Financial Integrity
At Send Hope Now, we strive to be excellent stewards of your generous financial giving. Since 1989, it has been our goal to operate with the utmost efficiency and transparency so that you can be assured that your designated gifts are sending HOPE to the beautiful people of India.
We are proudly accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and are third-party reviewed within the country of India each year to maintain a high level of financial integrity.
Send Hope Now is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Our goal is to send 100% of designated gifts to India!
Thanks to a group of faithful donors who are committed to supporting operations and fundraising efforts, we are able to send 91% of designated gifts to India. However, it is our goal to get that number to 100%. If you would like to help us achieve this goal of sending every designated donation to India, you can make a gift to support U.S. Operations.