After School Outreach
The children in the communities surrounding our projects need the hope of Jesus. Anti-conversion laws across India make it extremely difficult to share the gospel. So, welcoming children and families into our spaces gives us the unique opportunity of discipling the next generation of children!
After School Outreach provides children with a place to receive tutoring help from learning professionals, be taught essential life skills, and hear God’s word. These outreach centers also create opportunities for families to connect with local pastors and receive nutrition kits (as part of the Feeding Families Program).
Bangalore Bible College
Training up and sending out new pastors to spread the gospel is truly what Send Hope Now is about. Our pastors not only work as leaders of churches but also act as directors over all projects in their given ministry areas. This can include overseeing a Home of Hope, outreach activities, education programs, and helping those in need within their congregations and communities.
This will be our second Bible College location, and most pastors are being sent to northern India, where persecution is greater. Your donation covers supplies such as books and computers and will provide living quarters for students!
Pastor Sponsorship
Pastors play an important role in sending HOPE throughout India. After receiving training in the Bible, community outreach, medical care, and education, pastors move into the poorest villages and slums to live among those they serve. There, they go on to lead various projects, open education centers, provide HIV/AIDS support, establish Homes of Hope, and plant churches where they teach the good news of Jesus.
Monthly giving is the most effective way to support a pastor. The amount of support required for each pastor depends on their responsibilities, family needs, and location. By sponsoring a pastor, you’ll equip them with everything they need to faithfully care for their communities, as well as provide them with a living-wage salary to support their families.
Outreach Fund
By meeting the physical and spiritual needs of some of the poorest people in towns, slums, and villages across India, our pastors are making a significant difference. Your gift to the Outreach Fund will be used to support any needs that arise among our highly committed pastors as they serve their local communities to bring HOPE to all of India. Some of these needs may include covering the cost of a medical emergency, purchasing of a small motor vehicle for transportation, or supplying necessary equipment.